Average Day in the Life of Jaedyn

Hi, welcome to my blog. My name is Jaedyn. This blog is about an average day in a teenage girls life. My family is a big part of who I am. Like many kids these days my parents are divorced which has it's perks but also it's disappointments. My parents divorced when I was young and pretty much all I've known is them in two separate homes.

My mother is a strong and independent woman. She can be a little crazy sometimes overreacting about little things like the time I spend on my phone. Often times she says, "Jaedyn all you do is sit in your room and stare at your phone." When she's really disappointed with my sister and I she swears like a sailor!!  We both know that she'll get over it and ask us what she needs to do to make it right.  

My father is a strange man.  He doesn't really trust my sister and I with stuff. There was a period of time that he wouldn't give us his phone number and instead call us from a private number. When my sister and I would visit my dad he would make us feel trapped not allowing us to go outside, have sleepovers with our friends, or go to any social activities. I was close to my dad at one point.  However, that changed when he made me choose between seeing him or going into Hy-Vee to be scanned by the security system upon drop off/pick up with my mom.  If you want specifics you can ask me in person!

Currently, my sister and I no longer go over to my dad's house. In some ways this is okay because I have more opportunities to do what I want but sometimes I really miss him. Unfortunately, he's not going to change his ways.


  1. This is very interesting i'm looking forward to reading more post.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to learning more about you. How about a picture next time?


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